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FORMCHECKBOX extra time __ minutes per hour  FORMCHECKBOX use of a pc/laptop  FORMCHECKBOX rest breaks  FORMCHECKBOX  other (please specify):  Is there evidence of a discrepancy between the students performance in coursework/seminars/written examinations?  FORMCHECKBOX Yes  FORMCHECKBOX No  FORMCHECKBOX Not known If the student has not already been to the Disability Advisory Service, please encourage them to make an appointment as soon as possible as this will enable us to process the request sooner. As long as the students needs do not change only one application will need to be submitted, and this can remain in place for the duration of their course. Report attached/enclosed  FORMCHECKBOX  Name:Position in Department/Division:Signature:Date: Please return completed form to the Records Team ( HYPERLINK "mailto:assessment.records@imperial.ac.uk" assessment.records@imperial.ac.uk) Further information about Additional Examination Arrangements is available here /student-records-and-data/for-current-students/undergraduate-and-taught-postgraduate/exams-assessments-and-regulations/additional-exam-arrangements-in-respect-of-disability/      APPENDIX C OP[   % & ' 9 : H I J O P ^ _ ` t u ݵweS#jhh=WCJUaJ#jThh=WCJUaJ#jhh=WCJUaJ#jlhh=WCJUaJjhh=WCJUaJhh=WCJaJhh)CJaJhh5>*CJ^JaJhK5>*CJ^JaJhhCJ^JaJ h5^J h5^J h{5^JP[ a b c h i ]kd$$Ifl0 #   t0644 lapytd$Ifgdgd$a$gdA{wi j  xjjd$Ifgdkd$$Ifl0 #   t0644 lapyt xjjd$Ifgdkd4$$Ifl0 #   t0644 lapyt xvhhd$Ifgdkd$$Ifl0 #   t0644 lapyt d$Ifgdnkdh$$Ifl#$ t0644 lap yt   t d$Ifgdnkd$$Ifl#$ t0644 lap yt ; <   d$Ifgdnkd<$$Ifl#$ t0644 lap yt : ; < = K L M q r A L z { ȹȧȹȕȹȃȹqfȹTȹ#jhh=WCJUaJhhCJaJ#jhh=WCJUaJ#jhh=WCJUaJ#j2hh=WCJUaJ#jhh=WCJUaJjhh=WCJUaJhh=WCJaJhsfwh=W5CJaJhsfwh5CJ^JaJ#hh5CJOJQJ^JaJ    z d$Ifgdnkd$$Ifl#$ t0644 lap yt UVop~)+~l~aUMBMh^h^CJaJh^CJaJjh^CJUaJhh{CJaJ#j hh)zCJUaJjhh)zCJUaJhh)zCJaJhhr5CJaJhr5CJaJh5CJaJhh5CJaJ#jhh=WCJUaJjhh=WCJUaJ#jhh=WCJUaJhh=WCJaJ Vd$Ifgdnkdp $$Ifl#$ t0644 lap ytxjjd$Ifgdkdh $$Ifl0/ #  t0644 lapytxjjd$Ifgdkd $$Ifl0/ #  t0644 lapytxjjd$Ifgdkd $$Ifl0/ #  t0644 lapytPhijlmoprxvvvqqgvgvg dgdgdkd6 $$Ifl0/ #  t0644 lapyt +,MNOPjtgijkmnpqstvwyŽŲТxd\XhhA{wh5&hA{whA{w5CJaJmHnHtH uhA{wCJaJmHnHtH u,j hhCJUaJmHnHtH uh#jh#UhCJaJh^h^CJaJh^CJaJhhXxdCJaJhh{CJaJhh)zCJaJh]h^0JCJaJjh^CJUaJrsuvgd dgd21h:pXxd. 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